Great results for Smith... keep up the good work. Isn't it humorous that she got 91.5 approval, while many in the left-biased media had predicted that at best she could only win by a slime margin & there was a good chance she would lose the leadership. The canadian media is a joke.
Trump Cheerleader: Right here... canada needs to clean up its act... we are laggards on military spending, securing the border, stopping the drug smuggling & to top it off securing our Aortic territory. If it takes Trump's treats to get trudeau acting like an adult, so be it.
We now have 2 drama-queens in political leadership roles: neo-Marxist Ken doll in Ottawa & egotist Nenshi running the NDP in Alberta (sorry for Notley while he destroys all the good you have done).
I don't care what type of schooling (public, private, charter,etc) gets the $$$. Parents should have the right to send their children to the system that will provide them with the best education. The voucher system is the best way to do this.
The US will probably have an initial slum in some areas, when implemented. But American work ethics will have them build back these industries in the USA
It is not a crisis! We do have issues with wait times which need improvement. We are both 81 & my wife has a rare lung disorder. She receives excellent care from many arms of the Alberta health care system. We do need some tune to our medical services but "the sky is not falling".
I don't care for most unions... I don't care for stikes... but as long as the canadian laws allows these, I support the workers right to strike. The federal government has no business intervening & forcing the workers back. If the government had legislated that rail service was an essential service then this is a different story. But once again the federal-fun-bunch talked a great game but FAILED to implement this program.
We cannot trust the main media in Canada! What CTV did re the clip of Pierre P. was a complete terror act to our democracy. Why only 2 people were fired was a kick in the face to Canada's honor. BTW: the CBC is even less honorable than CTV.
Fines are not enough & the only correct solution. For those who are convicted for there second or more there should be mandatory jail: 2nd DUI = 6 months, 3rd DUI: 1 year, more than 3 = 5 years... no parole no early release.
What is a better system(s).... where is it working? Proof statements are encouraged.I know the "neo-Marist Ken doll" wants to make canada a dictatorship but we know that won''t work.