Mining more salt...


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33 thumbs-down
Kids invited to enjoy 'summer storytime' every Thursday
This must be the sick drag queen book reading session to our ***( who we should be protecting from such things)*** vulnerable kids of our society. This world is definitely near its end.People wonder why our society is in such peril. Go figure.
What an advancement towards environment. More like a sort of B.S. the electric vehicles are, considering it has been proven and shown to cause more environmentally damaging, effects just to build the batteries than the fossil fuels are.
this is for Skid Plate. Look in the Bible maybe you you believe in it maybe you do not but just for the heck of it look up Jerimiah 10: verse 23 and ask yourself if this is true or not. It is just something I figured deserved some thought. I know i am not the only one that has pondered on this verse.
I Know this is off topic, but I did not know where or how to make this comment or thought public How do we address the fact that some D.U.I. offences names are not published but most are ???? Are the ones omitted just happen to be law enforcement or political citizens???? Or do their relatives have connections with law enforcement and or political people ????It seems like it is impossible to make such comments or remarks in the proper places purposely . and of course this is just my opinion, and which I am sure to expect a lot of negative input as such is in all electronic media. I apologize for any comments that may have been made and that were interpreted the wrong way. Once again sorry for that.
If anyone gets hurt due to any kind of neglect like a tripping hazard seek legal action and line "your" pockets, that will teach them to be accountable and maintain the property correctly, including having all appliances like laundry machines in good and proper working order. Then they may start to respect their tenants,,
Sorry but that has NOTHING to do with the speed limit!!!!
Awesome love it
yes its worth it think of those doing that stretch at least 2x a day
Sure let the politicians pay for it out of their wages. They always claim they are working for us people, lets see them give a little l!!! YEAH right like that will ever happen, Sure let us retired fixed income never had a raise people pay for it!!! What a world we live in!!! JUST AWESOME LOL
Mining more salt...