We know who not to vote for next round. Thanks for cleaning up our downtown core for the rest of us. Now everyone can enjoy the space and not just the few occupying it.
Why are we allowing this. Because of this episode of insanity, there will be others that will jump on the ban wagon. Lord help us. It’s going to be a nightmare. Police need to do their job and uphold laws. Trespassing is a crime and so is damaging property.
This is good. Keeping our city safe and clean. Again, not saying no but where and when is a great start. Now you know who to vote for (and not) in the future as well. The issue starts with the displaced. They need to start helping themselves first and wanting the help.
People should be able to move on from this. He should too, and not as a police officer. Fine him, let him do his time or get help, whatever the verdict ends as, but not as a paid police officer. He lost that job a long time ago. Justice should prevail.
And we keep welcoming newcomers with no where to live, or buying up we do have available driving the price up. This is only going to continue to get worse and there will never be a solution. There will always be homelessness and mental health issues, and it will grow. Sad state we are in.
People without jobs and have nothing better to do. Go to council if you want to be involved and support . Write letters. But don’t interrupt our lives because you have nothing better to do.
No tattoos and I don’t like them. But that’s my opinion. What you do with your body is your business. I only wish they would Just please keep them off the face.
Tipping should be and always has been before tax and based on service. Somewhere over the years the machines were programmed and we are now tipping on taxes. I recalculate the tip manually and then usually round up to make our bill an even dollar amount. I hate when the server brings the bill and stands there with the machine. Give me a few minutes to review my bill and decide my tip amount without pressure. Please! Decent service will get 10-15%. Great service will get the standard 15 or more.