Even with the added cost of archaeological assessment, how on earth does a playground cost $3 million? You can buy a rather nice swing set for $700, one with a slide and climbing boards and a little platform for $1300. Even if industrial strength versions cost several times this, and we add in landscaping, you'd think the cost would be nowhere near $3 million. What am I missing?
It sounds like he and his family deserved to be treated much better.I do wonder, though, why a commercial flight with a nurse would have cost $11,000. Say the airfare is $1000 one way, probably an overestimate. That's $3,000 for the patient's one way fare and the nurse's round trip. Say the nurse gets $500 a day. That's another $1,000. Add a hotel room for the nurse and her meals. $500 should more than cover it. That's $4,500.
I'm wondering how plausible it is to blame metal theft on homeless people. Homeless people don't have trucks. How are they going to transport scrap metal to a dealer?
It sounds like the decision may well be correct in its application of the law to the facts, but if so, it seems that the law is overly narrow in the scope of the cases for which compensation is available.
$7,000 per year is $28 per work day. Presumably the central administration staff will now have to collect payments for coffee, keep track of who owes what, have people tick off each cup they drink, etc.. I wouldn't be surprised if the time lost doing that is worth more than having the district pay for coffee. Nickle-and-diming employees is frequently not cost-efficient
I don't see why the Crown is seeking a driving ban. That's appropriate if someone drives dangerously, but there is no mention of that being one of his problems. A driving ban would presumably make going straight harder since it would limit employment opportunities.
Heat is a little more work, but providing lighting is trivial. I've used outhouses in remote bush camps that had cheap, simple solar lighting. The lack of facilities for drivers is ridiculous.
TrevorR If there are experiments showing that 5G stops plants from growing, why haven't reports of them appeared in the scientific literature? If I have somehow missed them, could you please provide references? There is also the problem that no one claims that 4G has such an effect when the power levels for 4G are larger than those of 5G. 4G should therefore have a stronger effect.Lou Maurice Rachel Weber is a CURRENT trustee: https://www.sd57.bc.ca/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1144483&type=d&pREC_ID=1386451
BGeez@ Students at UBC Medical School do take an oath. In any case, while some doctors in every generation are motivated by money and status, many are not. I have found younger doctors here in PG, including a number who have trained here, to be conscientious and hard-working. Some of them do medical mission work, which is hardly the route to wealth. i don't see any deterioration in motivation or ethics over the last several generations.
My tastes are probably not those of the average tourist, but I find it hard to believe that anyone would go out of his or her way to see Mr. PG. I mean, seriously? It isn't an ancient artifact. It isn't a great work of art. It isn't of historical significance. Do people actually divert from Highway 97 to go see the World's Largest Log Crusher in Mackenzie, which is imho cooler than Mr. PG? If it can be moved without excessive cost to another spot near its current location, fine, but the idea that it will attract tourists seems crazy to me.
Kay Oss@If someone shows up at scrap metal dealer pushing a shopping cart, it is pretty obvious that the scrap is stolen. If that is what is going on, it means that the dealers are complicit in the thefts. It should be pretty easy to set up a sting and arrest the corrupt scrap dealers.
Jim John@ If I am not mistaken, most if not all of the indigenous education workers are paid for out of Targeted Aboriginal Education funds, not the general budget, so cutting those positions would not save anything. (Targeted Aboriginal Education funds are payments made by the province to the school district of so much per status Indian student enrolled on September 30th.)
The claim that the funding for Exploration Place comes entirely from non-indigenous sources is false. It fails to recognize that indigenous people participated extensively in the economic development of the region. They were of course the foundation of the fur trade, the people who produced the furs as well as much of the food that kept the traders and their dogs alive. They provided much of the labour for transporting goods, building roads, logging, mining, and operating sawmills. It also omits the fact that the resources on which our economy was built were extracted from their land, generally without their permission or compensation. Had the fur traders, loggers, and miners engaged in similar operations in, say, the UK or Germany, they would have had to receive permission from, and pay royalties to, the owners of the land. They profited enormously from not having to do so here.
Bgeez@What is the basis for your claim that "credentials are secondary"? Ms. Leieir has a degree in archaeology, additional courses in a number of relevant areas, and a decade of experience. What credentials are you looking for? Were there applicants in the pool with superior credentials?FHR@Yes, the position was posted. Google is your friend: https://theexplorationplace.com/divi_overlay/job-posting-executive-director/
The article mentions that the hanger was owned by one of his family's companies. If he was a part owner of some of his family's businesses, having him declared dead will probably simplify the management of the businesses.