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19 thumbs-down
Building owner denies responsibility for explosion
I'd like to hear what the consequences were for the people who broke into, damaged and blew up the building, nearly killing an innocent bystander.
A stern scolding doesn't cut it. Unbelievably, randomly lighting fires next to buildings has become common practice downtown. It needs to be addressed. This was in the afternoon too, so don't say it was to keep warm.
I think we should focus on priorities.The city owes tens of millions of dollars and pays immense interest on that.According to the city, we have failing, aging infrastructure that needs to be replaced.Even though this supposedly costs just "tens of thousands of dollars" according to Mr. Beesley, it could be better spent.I don't believe for a second that thousands of people will flock downtown to see Mr. PG as they suggest.How is this a priority?
People living in a court-ordered disaster-zone taking government supplied drugs. Police, ambulances and firetrucks racing back and forth all day. Theft, assaults and destruction of property around the clock. Our tax dollars at work.
Build jails and mental/treatment facilities. Pass legislation to fill 'em up with folks like this.
As the article says, they regularly cut openings in the fence for easier access, but the City wants to build the fence to define the boundaries and encourage people to camp within them. If we're so close to being able to move people out of the camp, why not just wait until then to build the fence and save money on constant repairs?
Judge Nadon noted that he is only 26 years old and worried he risks becoming institutionalized.He should be institutionalized. 3 violent offences, 2 involving firearms spaced out over 4 years. He's a thug, case closed. Only 26 years old? That's a full grown man who should and does know better.Judge Nadon noted that Bent "has a plan" for when he gets out. How could you possibly believe a word he says, given his history?
Mr. PG could be on the move
The argument is that you're going to make Mr. PG more visible by moving him to the Civic Centre?That intersection is the most visible location hands down.If access to him is a problem because of development in the area, which the city approved, how about returning him to the Casino corner of the intersection?There's lots of greenspace, access from the highway and the casino might support it because of the people it would draw in.Nothing good is going to happen to Mr PG downtown.
“So if we don’t create consequences we’re never going to solve the problem, ever". Exactly. People take the view that Society has failed these people and let them fall through the cracks - we haven't done enough for them. The problem is, we're doing too much. “You’re giving them a free place to live, free food, a free cheque and free drugs - you’re giving them zero incentive to stop”
Like other businesses, Summit pours money into repairs, security and insurances claims and that ultimately has to be passed on to the consumer raising the cost of living and forcing more people closer to homelessness.One way or another, put deserving people in the appropriate institution. Jail, Rehab, Mental facility. End the lawlessness.Once that's cleaned up, there would probably be enough existing temporary housing to support those that truly need and want a hand up.
I'm surprised the Indigenous Restorative Tribunal didn't rule that the criminal was required to pay for damages beyond any other punishment. That's pretty weak, I mean he admitted guilt. You break something, you should have to pay for it.
With his endless criminal history, who'd believe a word that comes out of his lying mouth?How many judges has he lied to about changing his ways?This guy's going to keep on stealing from the honest as long as the gullible let him.
I don't want to download and install an app to park my car.I don't want to needlessly register my personal info with yet another faceless service provider.I don't want to come up with yet another password, or reuse an existing one, to park my car.I can afford a phone and know how to use it. Some people can't afford a phone and have trouble with technology. These are often old people. Guess who goes to hospitals lot's?I think all these issues were mentioned by others in a previous story about this upcoming app. Clearly nobody listened or cared.
I'm not outraged by the cost. It seems proportional to the event. It costs an arm and a leg to do the simplest of things these days. I do question the sincerity behind it. Is this an attempt to hear and act on feedback or simply make a show of consulting with concerned citizens. Is it even necessary to engage for feedback regarding "Community Safety"? It's pretty clear we don't feel safe and for good reason. The only question is, what are you going to do about it?
Reducing flammable materials isn't the solution.Don't tolerate open fires and enforce it with jail time.People are literally lighting fires against building walls and walking away.Start holding them accountable and it'll stop.
So how are those joint RCMP, Fire Rescue and Bylaw patrols going? I can just imagine our local anarchists and arsonists eyes glazing over as they're educated about fire safety. Money well spent.
I see people walking blindly into traffic downtown. Buildings burn down, buildings blow up. Sirens wail as ambulances race from one fentanyl OD to the next.Stories of random violence are becoming regular.I get it, you're not going to successfully treat an addict that doesn't want to quit.But if a person is breaking the law or is a danger to themselves or others, the government needs to step in.
The Judge can rationalize the sentence however they want, but if somebody shoots at a building they know to be occupied, that's attempted murder.We've defined so many mitigating factors, re excuses, and given them each enough weight to make sentencing completely ineffective.Okay, fine, they've nearly eliminated the "deterrent" part of sentencing. Can we at least hand out jailtime as a way of keeping the public safe?The guy who beat up the female tourist in Vancouver last week? He was amazed he didn't get jail time the last time he assaulted someone given his history. And look what happened.It's so predictable, I'm surprised victims aren't able to sue the justice system for negligence.
It'd be nice to see the old firetruck incorporated into the new park. That's always been a cool feature of the park.I remember the old, old firetruck. A few sharp edges, 90% tripping hazards, all steel. You learned to watch your step.
The CO's didn't suddenly get trigger happy. I'm in the bush in and around PG on a near daily basis and ran into bears constantly. Much more than in past years. I'm seeing a lot this year already too.
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