It is time for a far right provincial and federal government to do away with all of the accumulated liberal, snowflake, namby pamby trash that has built up over the past twenty years.Restore order and law to a society that has been destroyed by the regressive , aggressive left looneys.
As psychotic medications became more publicly and readily available in the late 70s and into the 80s, and the liberal thinking of inclusivity became more dominant, the government felt that closing the institutions of Riverview and Tranquille (Kamloops) and releasing the patients into general society would be a good and decent thing.Well that idea turned out special didn't it ?As the saying goes, " everything old is new again " and it's past due to rebuild new and modern mental health institutions to house the mentally ill, homeless and addicted in order to clean up the streets of every single town and city in B.C..
The RCMP logic only makes sense when not taken in the context of where this incident occurred and that is an open public building where parents, children and toddlers are present....and that is why a 20 minute and 30 minute response time are inexcuseable.Should this criminal have been in a possession of a weapon ( and more than likely was ) and decided to use it on innocent pool patrons then how would have the RCMP explained their slow response time then ?
Just wait until Atco vagrant village is completed.Don't expect mentally unstable people to abide by society's norms and laws, they just don't.All the pretty, neat and tidy structures that are being provided will be trashed, burned, and destroyed.
Sounds like a facility with rules for people that don't obey rules.....can't wait to see this idea go up in flames.....literally.A designated smoking area ? For these people ? These people that do anything, anywhere, anytime they like ...good luck with all that.
Bond is the only politician I know of or have known that deserves every single penny of their government MLA pension.She earned every cent representing the North for so many years.Thank you Shirley.
It's awful stories like this, the problem caused by years of left liberal loon utopian ideals of diversity and inclusivity.It's no wonder that there is a global rise in right wing conservative power.Enough loony diversity and's time to clean up and get rid of the mess and put law and order back into society.
Chief Teegee should understand that the " majority " that voted in the NDP live in the metro Vancouver area and not in the interior or the north where he lives.If he thinks that the Declaration Act was a ballot question and that the majority of British Columbians living in the interior and the North are in favor of it then he's either naive or a fool.I think Teegee would be more comfortable taking yoga classes and sipping Starbucks frappucinos living in Kitsilano than living in the North where he appears to be out of touch.
That's an excellent story. Real life perspective.The powers that be should listen to stories like this before they go ahead with grandoise cure-all dreams and schemes that are doomed for failure.Enabling only grows the problem.
First of all , Harold Moffat was the owner of The Northern Hardware store, a PG institution that lasted almost a hundred years, and was not a sawmill owner.Second, the intersection of Hwy 16 and 97 is the highest visibility area for every RV tourist passing through PG. Even with new signage, I highly doubt RV tourism traffic will attempt to navigate its way into downtown PG.If the City of PG had any foresight and planning skills they would have constructed a large pullout and parking area adjacent to Hwy 16 & 97 with a tourism PG centre and Mr. PG where RV tourists could stop, get info, and have pics taken with Mr. PG.Too late for that common sense idea now though.
I remember the playground area of the late 60s and early 70s including the old firetruck. That's an era where kids played, got scraped, bruised, dirty and had fun !Im guessing the new playground will consist of pillows, blankies, bubblewrap, no yelling or laughing, no hurt feelings, an on-site psychologist, therapist, counsellor, and enough bleachers to accommodate 200 helicopter parents.
Add this election promise to the list of previous elections broken promises including the twinning of highway 97 from Cache Creek north to PG announced in 1993. Still waiting over thirty years later.And by the way, whatever happened to the government announcement well over a year ago that the vacant, fenced off old greyhound bus station depot building would be converted into the new EHS provincial ambulance station ?? Another broken promise.Be careful not to trip over Health Minister Dix's pinnochio nose on your way to the voting station folks.In the words of Pete Townshend of The Who..... " won't get fooled again. "
The left wing liberal legacy mainstream media propaganda complex is the insidious power behind the liberal left democrat parties getting elected in the USA and Canada.It would be a refreshing breath of fresh air to have right wing conservative parties elected to power in order to eliminate the left liberal loon fruit loop failed policies of these " democrat, liberal, socialist " loonie wacko governments.
So very sad and mainly caused by the failed forestrypolicies of an urban elite left wing (NDP) provincial government, which ironically, is supported by the very Unions whose union jobs they are destroying.
Stories like this and then liberal loons like David Eby and Justin Trudeau are astounded at the rise of the Right and neo-facist parties in politics.The Left has done nothing else but deteriorate law and order.
I feel bad for the taxpayer citizens who live in the neighborhood above this lawless cesspool of human filth and crime.Plow it all down and the homeless can go take a bath in the river.