I think it’s great that Trump is actually forcing countries to deal with these issues.We see the effects every day in our city and country on what these drugs are causing.Our legal system is too soft on this issue and we need to start getting tough.Trudeau will now be forced into doing something that he has failed to do.Also, Trump has stated that he was going to declare the drug cartels as a terrorist organization … another great move that should have been done long ago.Good for you Trump.
To “JohnLore”Not sure where it stands now but at one time, Montreal was the biggest port for drugs in the world.We have to do something, as you can see from our own city.What has Trudeau accomplished on this issue in 9 years?
Why does it always seem to take so long to finally realize something so silly was never going to work.This seems to be the case with many things nowadays.
Considering they are selling fentanyl …. Are they being charged with attempted murder.You want to help the overdose situatio … this would be a good start.
Addiction is a choice “Rock”.Do you think that a person drinks one beer and they are addicted?My best friend died from alcohol but throughout his whole life, all he cared about was partying.It’s a series of bad choices over and over.We all have to deal with self discipline, in one form or another.If someone doesn’t like to work is that called “Not working disease”
You want to charge people carbon tax but you give no incentive to get off of natural gas.Sounds like what the Conservatives are saying, it’s a money grab which I would rather use the proper wording ….. “stealing”
Most people that you consider rich did not start out that way.It’s because of their smart choices, sacrifice and hard work.When I first bought a house I forgot that I needed a shovel to shovel the driveway and a hose to water the grass.I could barely pay my mortgage back then never mind buying all this other stuff you need as a homeowner.If the furnace died on me I would’ve been in trouble.But I went to school, changed careers, quit jobs and relocated to get ahead.
The government can you know what with any of their so called useless taxes.They call it taxes, I call it stealing.Just like the useless carbon tax, the tax is passed on to the consumers.
No, it’s not an illness.I have two brother in law’s and one nephew that are junkies and they are not beautiful people.They could be if they stopped doing what they’re doing and apologized to their families.
I would like to know what has happened to all the money?I haven’t seen a thing changed in the fight for cancer.They have been talking about a cure for decades.
Peddling for needed hospital equipment when this should be provided through taxes.Pathetic Our government sent over 300 billion dollars for COVID … what a waste of money.
I don’t get any rebates back.Not everyone gets money back.And why should the government hold on to someone’s money anyway, it’s not theirs.Is that what you want … if your a good little boy you can get your money back.