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Concerned Albertan

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'Threat to democracy': Alberta Municipalities says Bill 20 sets dangerous precedent
When are albertans finally going to see that Danielle Smith wants to take away their democracy? In the near future she will introduce a Bill to make her Premier for life. Do none of the UCP MLA’s have a back bone to stand up to this dictator?
Comrade Danielle Smith loves Trump and approvals of all his wacky ideas.Trump can’t manipulate counting machines but he can human ballet counters. Every day comrade Smith demonstrates on much she wants Alberta to be controlled like Trump envisions. Danielle Smith and the UCP MLA’s only care about themselves and power, not most albertans.Why…Why…Why are we letting this happen?
Danielle Smith is correct when she says albertans should not be surprised that she makes policy announcements at private UCP supporter meetings. Nobody loves Danielle smith more than Danielle Smith loves herself. Rural Alberta got her elected because they believe everything this dictator Smith says. Her die hard supports attend those meetings and soak her dribble up like a sponge. Common rural Albertans enough of this train wreck Premier who has a dark agenda.
Danielle Smith gave 50 million for oil and gas corporations to improve their drilling technology when these companies already making billions in profit every 3 months. Now she wants to fight the feds and all of the other provinces by putting up this non sense and throwing our money away in the courts. Funny why the O&g corporations aren’t complaining about meeting the carbon reduction just Danielle Smith!
More out right lies from comrade Danielle Smith demonstrating just who is running the UCP party. Danielle Smith saying albertans want to go backwards in time to have votes counted by hand is a total lie! Looks like more committee’s for Preston Manning and Jim Dinning to lead to ensure only UCP declared candidates win a municipal election. I am ashamed that I voted for this incompetent and self servicing Smith to be our Premier. I have had enough of %0.1 percent of far right wing nuts running the UCP. Albertans Smith is a clear and present danger to our province, She does not support conservative values only herself!
Dictator Danielle Smith is a Clear and Present Danger to everything we love in Alberta. She is a far right radical and totally incompetent to run this province. It’s time rural Alberta wakes up and understands that the UCP is not the old Conservative Party. Come on rural albertans we are smarter than this! Danielle Smith needs to go! Danielle Smith needs to Go!
What is wrong with Danielle Smith and the UCP party. First its Bill 18 then its Bill 20 and now Danielle Smith wants to increase the provincial election of an elected party by another 6 months. This is all about wanting to stay in control of everything! Danielle Smith needs to be replaced …end of story! She is a clear and present danger to most Albertans. And another committee (one of 10 already in place) just formed to look at the Oil Sands tailing ponds. Looks like alberta tax payers will be on the hook for close to 120 Billion for dealing with the ponds.
Danielle Smith does not have confidence that voters have the intellect to vote in municipal leaders to run our towns, MD’s or County’s. She need to have full control like she has in AHS, APP and Education.
Why is it that almost everything the feds do to help Albertans our dict*tor Danielle Smith refuses. I say almost except when it comes to things like taking billions for cleaning up abandoned/orphaned O&G wells. Smith says Alberta already has a parallel dental plan…what a a false statement. Most Alberta seniors don’t qualify for the dental subsidy already in place. The Alberta dental plan income limit is $27,500 and even then pays for very little. It’s time Danielle Smith concentrated on helping all Albertans instead of rallying her far right base to stay in power. Enough Already!
Danielle Smith is not competent enough to run our AHS. She is not a builder she just knows how to fight…fight..fight. Five years under the UCP and healthcare is worse off than ever before. Her constant attacks on healthcare is alarming.
I have been a conservative for over 4 decades and even voted for Danielle Smith last May against my better judgement. Danielle Smith is a power hungry dictator and her moral compass is totally broken.Smith needs to go before she totally destroys Alberta. Nenshi is just the right person to make that happen as leader of the opposition party. Unless the conservatives give dictator Smith the boot in November the UCP will not get my vote and heaven help Alberta.
Danielle Smith is a far right individual with an agenda that does nothing for a majority of Albertans. Its time rural Alberta see her for who she is, a dictator.
Poor Comrade Danielle Smith is going to run a deficit with lower global oil prices…..welcome to the real world Smith. And let’s not forget that she borrowed 2.5 billion dollars to show a 230 million surplus for the year. Danielle Smith and the UCP party have been fortunate over the past 3 years that oil prices have been well above $75/bbl. Easy to spend money like a drunken sailor on garbage committees like Preston Manning and dinning have been on. I can see the promised money for schools going down the drain and no new hospitals we so desperately need in our future. Lets bet that somehow she and the UCP will continue to pay for O & G abandoned well clean up. WHY!
Great in principal, however; LaGrange and Comrade Danielle Smith are way out of their league when it comes to healthcare. And even if then 3 years to implement, borders on neglect. Why is it Danielle Smith always needs years to fix the priorités of albertans but in a single day can make policy changes none of us want?
Dictator Danielle Smith knows whats best for our children in Alberta’s education….end of story! She knows whats best in healthcare, education, our retirement, our climate change actions and the environment. Danielle Smith’s only cares about one thing, her appeasing the far right supporters that are blind to all her huge mistakes. All Smith has done is blame the Feds or the NDP for everything under the sun instead of working on what is really affecting all albertans. Her leadership is based on distraction …distraction..distraction! We can only pray there is enough common sense UCP supporters at the November UCP convention to turf her. That said the TBA rule the party and that option is likely not going to happen. Perhaps she will continue to use our tax dollars on the Calgary arena or Olympic Plaza renovations instead of healthcare and education as a prime example of her incompetence! Alberta has a budget surplus because of high oil prices not because of anything she has done.
Say No….this UCP government is making looking our families almost impossible. The continued attacks on our healthcare and education, broken promises, cuts to municipalities, spending our hard earned tax dollars on O&G abandoned wells and trying to take away our CPP away its exhausting for most of us! Danielle Smith is a dictator and clear and present danger to Albertans.
GwK….the Province already has the power to remove a municipal council like they did with Chestermere. This nothing more than an individual (Danielle Smith) wanting more and more and more control of putting in her preferred UCP councillors in charge of municipalities. Let’s keep in mind that this Bill takes away the rights of residents voting for local candidate of their choice. Are we to assume you feel the same as Danielle Smith that albertans are not intelligent enough to decide for themselves? The past 4 Bills represented by Danielle Smith is nothing more than setting the ground work for taking absolute full control of Alberta. Last time I checked we were still a democracy and not China or Russia. Careful what you wish for.
Now there is a big surprise, another committee formed by Comrade Danielle Smith so she and her UCP can effectively do nothing for an extended period of time and Give the likes of Preston manning or Jim Dining another $750,000 do our tax dollars. This incompetent individual and her UCP party are great at forming committees so they never have to make a decision. That way comrade Smith never has to do anything until these committees report back. Then more delays when Comrade smith says the UCP need more time to review the reports. STALL…STALLAnd away of not only doing nothing but having a fall group to blame. Absolutely pathetic.
Why is it that Danielle Smith wants full control of everything in this province? Does she not believe that albertans are intelligent enough to make informed decisions? This is all about want wanting to control everything in this province…end of story! What’s next, declaring herself Premier for Life?
How dare the municipalities question Comrade Danielle Smith and her UCP party short changing them on O & G tax revenues? They need to be taught a lesson by Danielle Smith. Most rural Albertans work n the oil and gas business and can afford to pay more in taxes so they need to buck up. Most oil and gas corporations are struggling to make ends meet and need the extra re venue for their shareholders dividends. Municipalities need to stop whining and bow to comrade Danielle Smith. Wait until rural Albertans find out Smith will be paying for abandoned well clean ups with their tax dollars instead of healthcare,
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