I just don't get the sense we are a well managed city. Not now and not in the past. It's disappointing and discouraging. It would be very hard to sell Orillia to someone as a place to move to.
Perhaps their job is their priority and need their car to get to work. Just one of many possibilities. Careful not to get too judgemental, you never know when you might be in a position when people are presuming your circumstances.
What about road kill? We could give that to the less fortunate too? Seriously Canadians don't eat goose and this isn't a solution to helping people in need.
Downtown especially the block between Peter and West is atrocious. The sidewalk is only one issue. The stores are not keeping their entrances swept and clean and the empty stores are just getting worse by the day. The lack of pride by the store keepers and the city is very evident. It's sad and embarrassing.
This shouldn't surprise anyone. Kids pass whether they have passed or not. Every year they are moved on whether they have actually learned enough to realistically be able to do the next year's work and they fall further and further behind.