The clear difference between the two is that of qualifications. Example: Your truck needs repairs so would you rather take it to a lovely soft-spoken mechanic that makes you feel good but never actually fixes the problem or take it to the PITA who gets it right more often than not?
What’s the difference between the thief using their bolt cutters to cut the $50 lock from a bike chained to a post as opposed to cutting the lock from the door of this ill inspired $10625 contraption?
For all those that believe his refusal to shake Trudeau’s hand showed a lack of class I would say grow a pair and stand by your convictions. Don’t criticize those that have a backbone. Mr. Mero stood by his conviction and I applaud him for not feeding the hand that bites us…
The conversation surrounding opiate use and opiate overdose deaths is becoming too much like a controlled burn as opposed to the out of control wildfire that it really is. Notwithstanding continuing with the life saving efforts being put forward everyday, we need to see an annihilation of the supply chain and distribution of this poison. Build the prisons and fill them up with mandatory sentences for dealers. Trade sanctions against nations that allow this death to leave their ports. Get the addicts in mandatory treatment facilities not managed safe consumption sites. For the sake of the future of our culture and once great nation we need to acknowledge the futility of the current strategies and, in terms true Canadians embrace, “drop the gloves”!
Most waterfront municipalities I’ve visited have at least some dedicated and vibrant pedestrian only entertainment/shopping/food/tourist districts along the shore and it’s definitely not only a great idea but long overdue to take advantage of ours. Private money needs to be the majority driving force behind this though as the concept photos presented will result in a billion dollars worth of construction. Note to council:Inspire, lead, provide the land and tax incentives but please don’t attempt to build any of this with strictly tax dollars.
There are around 100 points of access, driveways and intersections to Highway 17 between the Sault and the end of the two lanes just past St. Joes turnoff where vehicles must enter traffic from a complete stop, and drivers don’t move over to let you in now so how will going faster make that safer? There are multiple townships and the native reserve along that stretch as well. Did Bruni or young Stephan consult with any of the residents that would be directly affected by a 20% bump in the speed limit? Any consultation with other townships further along such as Desberats, Bruce Mines, Tarbutt…. Thessalon maybe? 🤦🏼♂️
Definition of sycophant. noun. a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage or political power.synonyms: crawler, lackey, toady. It’s time to detach now Terry. You need to find another life form to attach to if you wish to survive.
Recently chatting with a fellow Canadian back home visiting for the holiday who happens to now live and work in Europe. Turns out taxes are high there as well but for some reason homes are more affordable, crime is lower, homelessness is less of an issue, drug addiction is less of a problem and people are happier and more productive. I feel like Trudeau wants to emulate successful world leaders but simply doesn’t know how to govern other than the raising taxes part. Bottom line is most of us could tolerate the higher cost of living if it resulted in a higher standard of living. Can’t wait for the next election………
You can’t blame Drump for spouting misinformation such as legal immigrants eating cats and dogs after he totally cleared that one up with his very cognitive response that he was merely repeating and reporting what he saw posted on his truth social site…It was likely initially posted by his second cousin’s girlfriend's best friend’s dry cleaner so it must be true, right?
I find it ironic that Serre calls out other parties for not contributing to solutions to problems that have drastically spiralled under Liberal leadership for almost a decade. He says no one wants to play the blame game but that’s all they do.. Leaders are supposed to lead, and in that, create the environment for the prosperity we all know is within our grasp. If Trudeau would take his foot off our throats we might be able to actually begin to climb out of this mess he helped create. A government that understands and appreciates the checks and balances, the oversight, the need to unite and the will of its constituents is what Canada needs. If the Liberals can boot Trudeau and turn the boat around they may actually retain some status but in lieu of that I think the polls will ring true and they will get crushed in 2025.
So I’ve read and reread this article, especially the response to Gelinas request for Anthony Leardi to comment on Mayor Shoemaker plea for help. Being the Sault is number one for opioid deaths you would think the response might be specific to that horrible statistic. Nope,……it was pathetically putrid political word salad which absolutely enrages me. There was no mention of the Sault.I mean come on, we are number one on the scale of a complete disaster, what’s it going to take to get some of the resources pointed in our direction?? Feel free to jump in anytime Romano…….
What’s happening here is criminal in my opinion and our war dead will be rolling in there graves having died to preserve our way of life only to see it come to this. We once were the envy of the entire planet for healthcare thanks to Tommy Douglas but due to lack of investment and ongoing political malpractice we now have MAID as our go to solution thanks to our current leadership. For the life of me, ( no pun intended ) I can’t conceive how we got to this point.
I hope we can firmly eradicate the crime and drug problems in this city before this takes off. I hate the fact that this topic is still front and center on my mind but I would not be bringing my grandkids if there is the remotest possibility of needles and such in the new “public washrooms “ proposed.
More word salad….to obscure what’s really going on within the food industry. There is essentially a crippling monopoly, albeit it is disguised as competition. These grocer giants are definitely price fixing. Can someone come up with a plausible alternative explanation as to how these record profits are anything but price gouging??
Our government caught on to how easy it was to generate massive amounts of tax revenue by introducing personal taxation prior to the first and second world wars. The economic boom in the 50s prompted our government to grow larger and therefore increase tax dollars to feed the monster. More tax dollars keeps growing the beast until now the spending is out of control and the monster is such a bureaucrat mess it can’t sustain itself nor govern with any effectiveness. The solution for the past 20 years was to feed the beast with borrowed money, make the politicians look good for getting something done but that was just passing debt onto future youth. The new solution seems to be fine the elderly to generate more dollars so this incompetency can remain. This nonsense must stop!It’s not only presently inhumane to our seniors but borderline criminal to burden future taxpayers with these liabilities.
This really doesn’t hit me too close to home as I can live quite happily without a government owned liquor store. Having said that, the pay is a wee bit substandard when compared to other unionized “glorified cashiers”… @daily walk. A living wage with decent benefits should be mandatory for 100% of all working Canadians, PERIOD!
This may satisfy the court orders and relieve the municipality of liabilities in terms of its duty to enforce standards but it’s just more bandaids. Serious action is needed to resolve the addictions, mental health and homelessness issues that keep the squatters running back to these vacant slums. Until its demolished and redeveloped this sight will remain a blight upon the waterfront.
The highways that have the 110 kph speed limits are equipped with on and off ramps unlike our east highway with many actual 90 degree intersections to enter and exit. 100 kph is more than suitable for this highway as most people cruise at 10% over limit anyway with opp blessing.
Could not agree more with your thoughts on this. I find it ridiculous that the tip is expected before the service. I always tip for a sit down restaurant meal or drinks but if you want 20% more for your product up front then raise your prices and see if your service performance warrants you staying in business.